View series
These paintings were made of the view from Deborah Lawrence's San Francisco studio flat. They are a sort of meditation of moments—a way of practicing capturing the view with her mind and holding onto it while she recreated it on paper. They also helped bring her awareness of time passing. Each painting is marked with the time and date they were made recorded in the ten numbers: The year (97-04 for 1997 to 2004), month, date, hour (01 to 24), and minute.
By painting from the same vantage point repeatedly, the changes in the colors and character of the fog, light, water, hills, and boats are emphasized. The double window is inspired by the flat’s large set of windows facing the Bay. The top window looking into the sky frequently seems to frame a color abstraction—offering a counterpoint to the landscape below.
These paintings were made of the view from Deborah Lawrence's San Francisco studio flat. They are a sort of meditation of moments—a way of practicing capturing the view with her mind and holding onto it while she recreated it on paper. They also helped bring her awareness of time passing. Each painting is marked with the time and date they were made recorded in the ten numbers: The year (97-04 for 1997 to 2004), month, date, hour (01 to 24), and minute.
By painting from the same vantage point repeatedly, the changes in the colors and character of the fog, light, water, hills, and boats are emphasized. The double window is inspired by the flat’s large set of windows facing the Bay. The top window looking into the sky frequently seems to frame a color abstraction—offering a counterpoint to the landscape below.